Everyone knows that regular brushing is a vital part of looking after your oral health. However, the act of flossing gets much less attention. Actually, flossing has specific benefits which brushing cannot achieve. In order to take the very best care of your teeth, a combination of brushing and flossing should be used. This mixture of processes is one of the most effective ways of preventing tooth decay and any consequential problems in your oral health. Here, One80 gives you some tips and tricks to ensure that your flossing routine is best aiding you to protect your teeth.
How To Floss
Firstly, take about 12 inches of dental floss. Wrap the ends around your fingers and pull it so that it is taut. Bring it down between your teeth and steadily move the floss up and down. Now, gently curve the floss around your teeth and take it down into the gumline – of prime importance here is that you are gentle so that you do not irritate your gums. Do this between all your teeth.
Just like brushing your teeth, you must ensure to floss everyday. Doing it just before or after brushing is a way of making sure that you keep to this aim.
By flossing, you are looking to rid your mouth of any debris from food which your toothbrush cannot reach. This is because bacteria in the mouth will use food debris as an energy source and will release acid in the process, which can erode your teeth. Flossing away the debris therefore offers your teeth a means of protection.
There are a host of different flossing mechanisms available on the market. From normal dental floss to floss picks to oral irrigators, there are multiple options and it’s worth spending time on picking the right one for you. Feel free to contact us for advice.
If you’d like to know more, why not give us a call today on 01143503180 to speak to a member of our team?