One80dental is encouraging patients to quit smoking and visit the dentist regularly by giving free oral health checks this month in support Stoptober.
The campaign is launched by Public Health England (PHE) as new research shows the extra years of life that can be gained by quitting the cigarettes.
One80dental Practice Manager Zoe Rosenbaum said: “We would like to encourage everyone to visit your dentist regularly whether you smoke or not. To help support Stoptober we will be giving free full oral health checks to all patients to help, detect any warning signs and tackle any problems you may have. Everything will be done confidentially and we will also discuss proposed treatments with you.”
Research shows that those who stop smoking for 28 days are 5 times more likely to stay smoke free and Stoptober’s ambition is to help smokers achieve this goal.
Stoptober provides smokers with a range of free support including a new stop smoking pack, a 28-day mobile phone app and text support with daily updates and quitting advice, detailed tools and tips for coping, as well as the encouragement and support from thousands of people quitting together through Stoptober social media.
Here are some of the health benefits you can enjoy by staying smoke free:
- Smokers often have yellow stained teeth. Your teeth will become more whitened if you quit smoking. Why not visit your dentist and ask for your teeth to be professionally whitened. This will also make you look and feel more confident and comfortable about your appearance.
- You breath will smell much fresher.
- People who smoke are also three times more likely to have severe periodontitis (gum disease) than non-smokers, so giving up the ciggies will decrease your chances of getting gum disease.
To book you free oral health check-up contact us at One80dental or why not share any thoughts and tips on smoking on our facebook page.