Clear Aligners

Show off your smile not your braces

Removable ‘invisible’ aligners are one of the most popular orthodontic solutions available. These mouth guard style aligners are individually made for you and your teeth and can be used to correct a variety of problems such as overcrowded or widely spaced teeth as well as other dental irregularities.

Tania Murphy is our Specialist in Orthodontics and is an experienced practitioner in several clear aligner systems including Invisalign® and C-Thru.

Clear aligners are a discreet alternative to fixed braces and can be ideal for adult patients whose lifestyle or work commitments make it difficult for them to wear more traditional metal braces. The aligners are made from a thin, lightweight and hard-wearing plastic which fits closely to your teeth. Over the course of your treatment you are given a series of almost invisible, removable aligners, which are changed every few weeks and will gradually move your teeth into their new position.  You will need to visit the practice every six to eight weeks for a short appointment (usually 10 – 15 mins) where we review your treatment progress and you can collect your next aligners.

To ensure the effective improvement of your dental problems, your clear aligners should be worn full-time for the duration of your treatment, if not, you risk the treatment taking longer than it should or an unsatisfactory final result. They will however need to be removed when you are brushing your teeth, eating or during a contact sport.

Typically, treatment duration can range between nine to eighteen months depending on your individual case.

Meet Tania Murphy
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Quick Orthodontic FAQs

Discreet. They are almost invisible and avoid the traditional ‘metal mouth’ look.

Easy to clean. You can easily remove them and continue to clean and care for your teeth as you normally would.

Removable. You can take them out to eat, drink and clean your teeth.

Comfort. They are precisely fitted to the shape of your teeth and mouth and because they are made from a light-weight plastic, rather than traditional metal braces, they are less likely to rub the inside of your mouth and cheeks.

We would suggest that you investigate all the options before you make a decision and our best advice is to seek a professional opinion, as they are best placed to guide you. Make an appointment with our Specialist Orthodontist at one80 Dental who will talk you through the options on offer to you, any possible risks and if there are any appropriate alternatives.

Unless your case is particularly complex then it is likely that you are a suitable candidate for clear aligners. However, this cannot be confirmed until you have had a comprehensive assessment and discussion with our Specialist in Orthodontics who will consider and advise you of solutions that are appropriate to your individual case.

No. They are fitted specifically for you meaning they should fit comfortably. They might feel a little tight when you first have them fitted, but this is very normal as this pressure is what is moving your teeth into their new position. You will get used to the sensation quite quickly.

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