Many older people are concerned about losing teeth as they grow older. The truth of the matter is that there is no reason for senior citizens to lose their teeth other than because of oral disease.
Your smile can last you a lifetime, if you take proper care of it.
A natural smile that lasts is only possible if you look after your teeth and gums properly. Most dental professionals are finding that senior citizens are keeping their teeth healthy, allowing for a natural smile with no need for dental implants or dentures.
Often seen in elderly patients, a dry mouth can be harmful because saliva helps to prevent tooth decay by washing away food particles and eliminating acids. Make sure you drink plenty of water!
Senior citizens should also remember to maintain a regiment of daily flossing and brushing with fluoride toothpaste. People are likely to get cavities where older fillings have broken or where receding gums have left unprotected surfaces.
Here are a few tips on how to prevent tooth loss.
Attending regular dental appointments
Most dentists recommend that you visit them at least twice a year. For those patients with gum disease, it should be even more regular than this. Make sure that you attend regular dental appointments at least once a year when your dentist will perform a complete periodontal evaluation, take X-rays and measure spaces under the gums with a periodontal probe.
Brushing and flossing
It’s important to brush and floss your teeth on a daily basis and at least twice a day. Flossing is important because you can’t always reach bits of food stuck in between tight areas with your toothbrush.
Don’t clench or grind
When you clench or grind your teeth, your teeth are being worn down. If you find yourself doing this, its time to ask your dentist about making a bite guard to protect your teeth from these stresses.
Quit smoking
Smoking affects the blood supply that leads to your gums, increasing the risk of gum disease. Smokers can be much more difficult to treat because their response to treatment can be much less predictable. When someone quits smoking, not only does it decrease the risk of heart disease, but gum disease as well.
Control chronic disease
If you suffer from a chronic disease like diabetes, you should pay special care in measuring your glucose levels, as well as getting regular dental care and checkups. If your gums appear red, sore, or start bleeding, contact your dentist as this can be a sign of gum disease.
Keep your smile healthy and complete with proper oral care. Contact one80dental today on 0114 350 3180 for a check-up and clean.